These anti-god folks just won’t quit as they keep trying to tell us that we came from monkeys. Such as in this article last May Scientists Unveil Missing Link In Evolution. I guess these anti-god folks didn’t read about the New Chromosome Research that Undermines Human-Chimp Similarity Claims.
*by Jeffrey Tomkins, Ph.D., & Brian Thomas, M.S. *
A recent high-profile article in the journal Nature released the results of a study with implications that shocked the scientific community because they contradict long-held claims of human-chimp DNA similarity.1 A previous Acts & Facts article showed that much of the research surrounding the often touted claims of 98 percent (or higher) DNA similarity between chimps and humans has been based on flawed and biased research.2 The problem is that the similarity has been uncertain because no one has performed an unbiased and comprehensive DNA similarity study until now. And the results are not good news for the story of human evolution. More
*by Jeffrey Tomkins, Ph.D., & Brian Thomas, M.S. *
A recent high-profile article in the journal Nature released the results of a study with implications that shocked the scientific community because they contradict long-held claims of human-chimp DNA similarity.1 A previous Acts & Facts article showed that much of the research surrounding the often touted claims of 98 percent (or higher) DNA similarity between chimps and humans has been based on flawed and biased research.2 The problem is that the similarity has been uncertain because no one has performed an unbiased and comprehensive DNA similarity study until now. And the results are not good news for the story of human evolution. More
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